Corona measures
Since this facility is a private inn, you can spend time without contact with other guests.

Our policy
Because it is a private inn, with other guests You can spend it without contact.
The plan with meals is served in the room, You can enjoy it in your room.
Initiatives in guest rooms
Thorough cleaning, ventilation and disinfection during cleaning.
There are humidified air purifiers to reduce the infectivity of the virus.
Safety Mesures for Staff
We manage their physical condition by measuring their body temperature every day.
We thoroughly wash their hands, disinfect their hands, and always wear a mask.
We do not attend large gathering dinners.
We avoid contact with people outside our family as much as possible.
At check-in
Please measure the temperature and disinfect your hands.
Fill out the guest card with a disinfected pen.
The staff wear a mask and gloves.
We are not passing money directly by hand but rather placing it in the cash tray.