TOP NEWS NEWS 2025.02.25 Western Meals Automatically Changed to Japanese Cuisine We are very sorry, b... 2023.02.01 ご予約済みの夕食がご変更になります。Your booked dinner will be changed. 大変申し訳ございませんがレストランAWO... 2023.01.16 Schedules where meals cannot be ordered Due to the indefinit... 2021.05.30 Meals in the room and selectable dinner have been added! At the popular resta... 2021.05.24 Great repeater discount If you have stayed a... 2021.04.22 About inquiries While the difficult ... 2021.03.21 Coin operated parking around KYO-ISUKE We do not have a pri... 2020.12.27 Western breakfast set of excellent cheese has been added! A breakfast with che... 1 2 »